Social Media

Let us help you find a support group

As this website is hosted by patients for patients and their carers there are many different support groups on Facebook. 

This is so that everyone can talk about their difficulties in life due to Aspergillosis in it's many forms. Users find these groups extremely helpful, especially for newly diagnosed patients and carers.

So please visit these support groups if you:

  • Have any questions about Aspergillosis.

  • Want to talk about your daily life and challenges you have.

  • Are in need of someone to 'listen'.

Please also follow us on Twitter at @aspertrust and Instagram @aspergillosistrust 

Aspergillosis Trust have their own support group open to everyone worldwide

Aspergillosis Trust Support Group | Facebook

There is a group just for ABPA which is just a support group. No medical advice can be given.

Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (USA) | Facebook

NAC have set up different support groups on Facebook. This is so everyone can talk about their difficulties in life due to Aspergillosis in its many forms. Users find these groups extremely helpful, especially for the newly diagnosed patients and their carers.

Aspergillosis Support group

Aspergillosis local support group London

West -Yorkshire local support group

East Midlands local support group

West Midlands local support group

Liverpool local support group

Scotland local support group

Australia local support group