About Our Trust & Raising Awareness of Aspergillosis
Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life
We are aware that there are many more people who have yet to get a fully correct diagnosis. Therefore they are not getting treated in a way that will help them the most. A typical example is someone who has had asthma since childhood, who has steadily become worse over the years, despite having extra treatment for Asthma. A GP or even respiratory specialist doctor, may seem to reach the point of trying everything they know to help. This may include oral steroids, steroid inhaler or repeated courses of antibiotics, but with no impact upon your illness resulting in hospital admissions. This can affect people at any age. Other examples can be people who have had TB, or who smoke and have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).Chronic aspergillosis is usually incurable and debilitating, but manageable with the right treatment. So it is vitally important to be referred to a local specialist respiratory service with minimal delay. They can then refer to a tertiary (highly specialised) centre. For further details see https://aspergillosis.org/aspergillosis-specialist-centres/ and https://aspergillosistrust.org/media/
Aspergillosis Trust is a patient advocacy group.
It is run by patients and carers in the UK and the EU.
It is a rare debilitating and sometimes deadly infection. It can attack people of any age. Aspergillosis Trust (AT) also raise funds for desperately needed research.
We are a patient-led group, committed to working with anyone who has an interest in supporting our work or learning from our experiences.
Our vision is to contribute towards finding the best treatments, and ultimately a cure, for all forms of aspergillosis. In order to achieve this, we aim to provide a range of information and support to new and existing patients as well as using our knowledge and experience to inform, and on occasions fund, research into new or existing treatments.
NB:The UK has an existing centre for the diagnosis and treatment of Aspergillosis at the National Aspergillosis Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK ( in the North ). Another smaller Aspergillosis clinic runs at Brompton Hospital, London, UK, which is in the process of becoming a specialist centre for the South.
Leaflets & Guides
Aspergillosis Trust have a number of posters to help understand what the condition is.
Please click on the image to enlarge it